raw feeding
I’ve mentioned a few times in my blog posts that we feed our dogs raw, meaning raw meat. Also called a whole prey, or Franken prey, diet. There are other versions of this where people add veggies and fruit. I opted to exclude those for two reasons, 1. Addie won’t eat them, and 2. I was trying to get to the bottom of her allergies. So here’s our story.
Making Choices
When Chris and I started Fluffy Butt Farms BC in June 2020, it was because of me. The realization that I was relying on the grocery stores to feed me, and they had failed, it really scared me. Eggs were gone, chicken, beef, pork, all gone. So we went out and bought seeds, fruit trees, Chickens, meat rabbits and dual purpose goats. But still, we had to wait for all of our work to start producing food for us.